Strategic Digital Gardening

A workshop created for NEW INC members, Strategic Digital Gardening teaches attendees how to approach their digital marketing and communications as a "digital gardener." Taking ecosystems and growth cycles as key points of inspiration, digital gardening is a process for manifesting goals through community cultivation and intentional seed planting.

At its core, this workshop is an opportunity for attendees to stop aimlessly marketing themselves, and instead holistically realign their internet toiling in service of their broader creative vision. It asks attendees to become aware of the way platform capitalism manipulates us, and to take a more poetic approach to how we communicate and connect through social media, newsletters, websites, and beyond. Overall, this workshop teaches attendees how to combine strategic use of digital tools with the power of intention to cultivate a thriving digital ecosystem in support of their work, community, and personal development.

View workshop slides w/ speaker notes here.

Strategic Digital Gardening was originally presented to NEW INC members in December of 2019. Willa is interested in bringing this workshop to other conferences, classrooms, festivals, etc in the future—reach out to willa.koerner [at] gmail [dot] com if you'd like to discuss.

You can view the worksheet that accompanies this workshop below. I welcome non-commercial uses of the worksheet, but ask that if you plan to use it with a class or in another group setting, you simply let me know. Thanks :)

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Digital Gardening—Worksheet

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Hello, you've reached the bottom of this page. Maybe you'd like to connect 1:1 now? You can email me [willa dot koerner at gmail dot com] with inquiries, questions, opportunities, or just to say hello. 'Til then, bye! <3
