A personal philosophy of shared knowledge

In spring of 2018, I joined the Are.na team at SYPartners to speak about knowledge management. The conversation focused on four key areas: content, tools, institutional, and personal. I spoke from the institutional perspective, using my time at SFMOMA, Kickstarter, and The Creative Independent as an anchor to reflect on how knowledge (and wisdom) must be built on top of personal experience, and how this therefore makes trying to “manage” it somewhat futile. You can see an archive of the whole conversation on Are.na.

The Are.na team later asked me to adapt my talk into an essay, which I did—focusing on a core idea of my talk, which is that "knowledge is the private triumph of failure." The essay, A personal philosophy of shared knowledge, was first published on the Are.na blog, and later included in the future-facing section of the Are.na annual, which you can order a copy of here.

Read A personal philosophy of shared knowledge 

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